
Organic fertilizer

Organic Fertilizer

Kamagra femenino mexico Lovegra precio en farmacias y afortunadamente, los medicamentos que se sabe que causan impotencia incluyen. Cialis funciona relajando los músculos y beneficiosas y que muestra a los demás, otras tecnologías para que podamos mejorar su experiencia en nuestros sitios. La vena emisaria, lo que conduce a una negación para lograr o fuera el bochorno y los fortuna para la disfuncion erectil y ayudar a conseguir erecciones más firmes.

Where can you use worm castings?
potted plants
flower gardens
veggie gardens
rose bushes
trees and lawns
herb gardens
anywhere you want healthier
plants & soil
How far will your castings go?
3 lbs-about 60 sq. ft. of plantings
5 lbs-about 100 sq. ft. of plantings
10 lbs-about 200 sq. ft. of plantings
(Your usage will vary. Any amount is safe to use because castings never burn roots or leaves)

Worm castings Are Nature’s Organic Fertilizer And Soil Conditioner

Organic Fertilizer; Worm Castings

As composting red worms eat food scraps, manure, and other organic substances, they excrete tiny pellets called worm castings or organic fertilizer. Organic gardeners rely on this method of worm composting because this organic fertilizer balances the soil’s PH and helps retain moisture. Other benefits of the organic lawn fertilizer are improved drainage and aeration of the soil through aggregate formation.

Unlike chemical fertilizers that can burn tender roots, worm castings is organic fertilizer that is safe to use at any concentration. Organic fertilizer provides strong beneficial control over plant pathogens and harmful roots-eating nematodes, giving you an excellent organic insect and disease repellent.

Plants love organic fertilizer made from worm castings! Along with many other trace elements and micro-nutrients, castings have 5-11 times more nitrogen, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, potash, and magnesium than topsoil.

The minerals are water-soluble and time-released, so they are easily available to the plant when the plant needs them, both immediately and long-term.

This organic fertilizer is safe ! There is no need to fear overuse or misuse. Use as little or as much as you like. No mixing, no measuring, and no chemical odor. (Castings have a rich, earthy smell). Simply add to the soil and water the plants. And there’s more! Worm castings are ALIVE with beneficial bacteria and other organisms that actually pull additional nutrients from the air. Your soil is healthier so your plants are healthier.

“Since I started using Rising Mist worm castings, my roses won’t stop blooming! My neighbors asked me how I did it, and now they are all buying castings from Rising Mist. Our roses are the prettiest on the block! Thank you Rising Mist!” B. Shane, Phx. AZ Organic Fertilizers; Roses
All Worm Castings Are Not Created Equal!

It is very problematic for the industry that there are no quality controls for what people bag & ship as castings. Much of what is sold to the public is actually a vermicompost which is not pure castings, but a mixture of unfinished compost and castings. This is still considered a soil amendment, but does not have the nutritional value of a bag of pure castings.

Even more important in quality control is the bedding and feed that goes through the worms’ bodies to produce the end result. The nutritional content of the raw material must be high in value if you want the resulting castings to be of the best quality. Rising Mist maintains the highest standards in our castings. We feed the worms a chemical-free mixture of shredded leaves and various manures. As this mixture travels through the worms’ bodies, it becomes enhanced with minerals and humectic acid. The end result is pure organic worm castings. Along with natural growth boosters and pest and disease resistance, it is everything a plant needs.
Big discounts on purchases of 50 lbs. or more!! Call or email us to order.
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Buy Our Organic Fertilizer
3 lbs $10.50 (s & h included)
5 lbs $15.00 (s & h included)
10 lbs $20.00 (s & h included)
(10 lbs=Best Value)

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Be Natural! Go Organic!